Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sleeping the Night Away

It's been a while since I've been back here with a legit post but I have a good one for you today.  And while we're at it, I'd like to take this time to pimp my guest post on my friend's wonderful blog Choose Your Journey.  I love her blog, it's definitely my favorite fitness blog out there.  So please check it out!

Anyway - back to it.
I stumbled across a pretty cool blog called ecosalon.  They have all sorts of interesting articles.... Some funny, some informative, some just generally awesome.  While I was perusing the archives, one article on ten foods that can help with sleep caught my eye.  I have pretty significant sleep issues.  I tend to have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep and then, if I actually do fall asleep, waking up in the morning.  While I don't imagine this article being a cure-all for my problems, it seems like a good place to start.

Tart Cherries from Eco Salon

Some of the suggestions include popcorn (due to its levels of tryptophan), tart cherries (from their melatonin boosting antioxidants) and halibut (high levels of B6 as well as more tryptophan).  There are 17 more items on the list so go check it out in its entirety.

And of course, since it's one of the suggestions, I'll give you a quick and easy recipe for an addictive popcorn snack.

Truffled Herbes de Provence Popcorn

3 Tbsp Unpopped Popcorn Kernels
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Truffle Oil
1 Tbsp Herbes de Provence *
Extra Salt (to taste)
Paper lunch bag

Toss the popcorn kernels in a bowl with olive oil
Pour the oiled kernels into the paper bag and fold the top over once.
Place the bag on a microwave safe plate and microwave on high for two minutes or until the popping begins to slow (2-3 seconds between each pop)
Dump the popped popcorn into a bowl and toss with truffle oil, herbes de provence, and more salt if desired.

*Bonus sleeping tool - Herbes de Provence generally contains lavender which is known to increase relaxation and improve time to sleep.

Happy snoozing!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy VD

Hi Friends!

Happy Valentines Day!  Hope you and your loves have a great one.

To Justin - So True  (from pinterest user bianca_leigh)

I know it's been quite around here again lately but I'm hoping to get back to regular posting when life settles down (hopefully soon!)

What are you all doing for Valentine's Day?  Usually I don't celebrate but this year the hubs and I are going to an awesome sounding dinner at Smoke and Barrel in DC with my friend Sarah.  I have already peep'd the menu and have locked my sights on a venison tenderloin entrée.  The three course dinner is paired with some of Ommegang beers.  Everything sounds so fantastic.  Here's the link if you're interested in checking out the tavern.  My friend Matt is the tavern-keeper and I'm so excited to check it out.

Anyway, I hope to be posting with more regularity in the near future so don't forget about me :)
